Friday, December 30, 2011

Wish you a Kolaveri New Year (2012)...

Wait, what am I saying? Hasn't the song already been released in 2011? And enjoyed millions of views on Youtube? 30,031,106 to be precise at the exact moment that I write this. Not just that. All you need to do is type "wh" on Youtube and the first match is "Why This Kolaveri Di" One simple song has changed the meaning of the word viral and gone from Kollywood to Bolloywood to Hollywood and more. The song was yesterday reviewed on CNN as THE MOST POPULAR song of the year 2011...

So what more can Kolaveri offer in 2012. More views? Sure, yes. The original video from the movie? Of course. But what else?

Think harder. Kolvaeri was a BIG IDEA! "The most powerful ideas are the simplest ones", they say and I say they are dead right about this one. Nothing could have been simpler than Kolaveri in its construction and form. Composed by a first time music director for a first time director of feature films and sung by a talented actor no doubt, but one who has no stars on his lapel for singing whatsoever. Playing on the age-old theme of boy hurt in love by beautiful girl with the clever usage of the expression "Why this Kolaveri (murderous rage)", which has been an"in-phrase" among Tamil youth.

The brilliance began when they key crew decided to shoot how this song was recorded in the studio with the singer cum hero, heroine, music director and director. Releasing that video on Youtube much ahead of the actual movie was a master stroke. And (I don't know how on earth they managed to do this), making sure there is only one video that comes up when you search for this song on you tube was the pièce de résistance. Result? 30 million & counting...

There is no doubt that Kolaveri has originated in a fertile field. After all, Tamil Cinema boasts of legends like Ilayaraja and the Oscar Award winning AR Rahman. But Kolaveri has probably surapassed the efforts of these legends and other illustrious artisans by the sheer popularity it has attained. Truly, I'm sure it has left not just the film industry but millions of people around the world wondering, "Sh*t! Why didn't I get this IDEA?"

I think it's safe to say that ideas like Kolaveri don't come by every day. That said, ideas like Kolaveri don't need a Mozart or a Beethoven to be produced. Neither are they produced in any particluar field of work. There is a Golden Idea waiting to be brought to the fore in every walk of life and it lies in the simple heads of simple people like YOU and ME. All YOU have to do is listen carfeully to what is happening around you, keep your eyes open to see what's new and most of all, to have fun at what you do. Nothing is silly, nothing is irrelevant. So long as you can keep that spirit alive, you never know how the dots will connect and when.

To me, that's the lesson from this Kolaveri...

So my dear friend. It is the last day of the Year 2011. The Year that gave us Kolaveri. Go listen to it a few more times today and increase its number of hits on Youtube to a 50 million plus. At the same time, put on your thinking hat. Don't just use Kolaveri to mope about your lost love.
Vow today that in 2012 you will strive to create ONE BIG IDEA that will change the world, no matter where your passion lies. There was a Google, there is Facebook and no one knows what the the Next Big Thing is? Who knows, may be it's sitting in YOUR HEAD. Just bring it out...

Happy New Year 2012! Let every minute of it be filled with Kolaveri...

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

My 2012 Colors...

Red & Gold
And many Holiday hues
What I don't want
Are Monday Morning Blues...

Neither Yellow Fever
Nor Green Envy
Only Pink Health
Will do for me...

Many Silver Linings
And Black Bottomlines
No fat tummy
Or Gray Hairlines...

Blazing Orange energy
A little White truce
A Year Full of Love
Is all that I choose...