Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Should I write?

Should I sleep?

Or should I just hang in here and wait for the presentation that poor Jonathan has been working on all day long and expects to send me in the next 20 minutes?

Quick time check on the top right 'whatever they call it' bar of my macbook, shows it's 4:36 PM EST! The map on airborne.gogoinflight.com shows we're flying right over Kansas City (I wanna say, CST) and 2Hr 19 Min of flight time remaining....

But the "1" that just appeared in a little red circle (accompanied by a little white envelope) over the golden yellow "O" (for Outlook) on the status bar (I think I got this one right) at the bottom of my macbook made me check if it was Jonathan's email and a quick review of the presentation and my notes back to him have ensured that even if I go on, how much more I can write is limited not only by my laptop's battery (now at only 25%), but also by more 1s in little red circles that keep appearing from time to time...

One thing's clear, I can put off sleep for a bit, because 21% on my macbook doesn't count for a lot!

Which is also what I'm counting on, what with nature calling...

Not that I can go right away even if I wanted to with the refreshment cart in the way!

So I'll just sit tight, sip my coffee and wait it out...

Jonathan's fast, he just sent me the presentation updated with my notes!

But checking that and responding to him have ensured my battery's almost run out...

So I'm going to publish this without further ado!

For even if this is a short post, it's been a while since I wrote...

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