Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Jun 21, otherwise known as Summer Solstice is the longest day in the northern hemisphere. That is public knowledge. What is not public knowledge is that the day has turned out be true to its name for me. What began at 445 am est (after only a 4 hour sleep) has still not ended at 1145 pm cst as I have just boarded Continental flight 2450 from Houston to San Antonio and I will land there just as it strikes midnight in that zone. I have to say the long day has been a productive one and also one with some very pleasant experiences. And as always full of love from my family.

What is also public knowledge is that Jun 21 marks the official beginning of summer. And what is of consequence to my family and us alone is that it was officially the last day of school for my son. Which means that for the next 2 months and more, my wife has a full time job of minding him from dawn till dusk and it is of no consolation that the days will continue to run long. There will be Wii, TV, evenings of cricket at the park and trips to the beach if we are lucky. But more importantly, there will be the struggle of what we think he should be doing everyday and what he thinks!!!

The doors of my aircraft will shut here in a moment and I will have to turn my cell phone off, but even as I wind up on Jun 21 or Summer Solstice, I have this feeling that I too am about to embark on a significantly long journey in my life, in search of my destiny. And something tells me that while it may be a long wait, I am about to simply enjoy the ride...

Nine days to go in beautiful "June" and lots more to do...

Wishing everyone a wonderful summer ahead.

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