Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday Evening Sitting on the Balcony...

The weekend is over. It was meant be a long one but I don't remember when it started or how it went by, but it's over.

The view from the balcony is nice. The parking lot is filling up. The dogs, their walks done are returning to their abodes. The chirruping of the birds is slowly being replaced by crickety noises. A kid watching TV is screaming, all excited about the NBA finals which is live at this moment. At least, it's a cool night compared to the heat wave that has consumed the east coast of the USA in the last week.

I can't complain about the weekend. There's been enough to celebrate and a variety of food to go with. Plenty of rest and pleasant memories. Loads of goodwill, tons of blessings and the opportunity to connect with hundreds of friends that I don't talk to everyday. Bright ideas, brilliant performances and lessons learnt. Enough to ride over the minor disappointments and the inertia that persists in some aspects.

I understand the inertia. I'm struggling to hold on to something I think I need to let go. I've made myself clear, I've done everything I should, now I've got to leave it to life. I need to plan for the week ahead that's filled with promise. I've got commitments to keep, new worlds to explore and much fun to be had. But not before I set everything aside, put everything behind and get some good rest.

Rest assured, I'll be waking up early, working really hard and waiting for the next weekend.

Have a great week everyone...

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